
Yisen Wang

Assistant Professor, Ph.D. Advisor
School of Artificial Intelligence
Peking University
Email: AT pku DOT

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I am now a Tenure-track Assistant Professor (Ph.D. Advisor) at Peking University. I am also a faculty member of ZERO Lab led by Prof. Zhouchen Lin. I got my Ph.D. degree from Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University. I have visited Georgia Tech, USA, hosted by Prof. Le Song and Prof. Hongyuan Zha, and The University of Melbourne, Australia, hosted by Prof. James Bailey.

My research interest is broadly the Representation Learning, focusing on extracting meaningful representation from various data types, including unlabeled, noisy, adversarial, and graph data. Specifically, we recently focus on theoretical and algorithmic approaches for Large Language Models (Self-Supervised/Weakly-Supervised Learning, In-context Learning, Length Generalization), Safety of Foundation Models (Large Language Model, Diffusion Model), and Graph Learning.

We have received the Best Paper Award of ECML-PKDD 2021, Silver Best Paper Award of ICML 2021 Workshop, 1st Place in the CVPR 2021 Adversarial Competitions, and Champion in the 2020 GeekPwn CAAD Competitions. We are also lucky to win the First Prize in the 22nd Teaching Competition of Peking University, Beijing Nova Talent Program, ACM Beijing Rising Star Award, Notable Area Chair at NeurIPS, and World's Top 2% Scientists.


  • We are always actively recruiting highly motivated Postdocs, Ph.D. students and Interns! For Prospective applicants, please read this Instructions for recruiting information, and CSRankings for ranking information!


  • 2024.5, We released Trustworthy Machine Learning Library to cover all trustworthy-related algorithms of our group!
  • 2024.4, Our jailbreaking work (In-context Attack) has been featured and scaled up by Anthropic (Claude 3 Group)!
  • 2024.3, My PhD student won the CAAI Outstanding Ph.D. Dissertation Runner-Up Award!
  • 2024.2, My supervised undergraduate student was admitted to the PhD program of UC Berkeley!

Publications (Selected / All by date / All by topic)

(* Equal Contribution and # Corresponding Author)

