We are always actively recruiting highly motivated students to join our group to explore machine learning.
Postdocs, prospective graduate students and interns are all welcomed!
[!!Important!!] Please read the instructions below carefully, with particular attention to the email subject! Failure to do this may result in your email being unfortunately filtered out. (请仔细读下面的指引,特别是邮件主题的要求!否则,您的邮件可能不会到我的邮箱里)
Undergraduate students can directly send emails to inquire about research intern position. Please send your CV + Transcript and use "Intern-YourUniversity-YourName" or Chinese "实习-你的学校-姓名" as subject of your first email. For letter-of-reference requests: normally, I only write recommendation letters for students working with me for more than 6 months to ensure we have something concrete to comment.
Graduate students, our group has opening positions for Ph.D. in each year. The selection is usually during the summer camp of PKU School of AI in July for the next-year fall semester enrollment. Please contact us as early as possible as we usually select candidates from the interns of our group. Please send your CV + Transcript and use "Graduate-YourUniversity-YourName" or Chinese "保研-你的学校-姓名" as subject of your first email. In your email, please describe how your research interests match our group instead of simply asking whether there are quotas available.
We are hiring highly motivated postdocs to join our group through the Boya Postdoctoral Fellowship at Peking University. The salary is very competitive (350K+)!
Please send your CV + Research Statement and use "Postdoc-YourUniversity-YourName" as subject of your first email.